Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

Summer Thoughts

Written by Sharon Krause | Jul 16, 2021 10:00:00 AM

I live in Connecticut and have been known to complain when the summer temperatures get into the 90s and the humidity becomes unbearable. I think many of us are good at complaining about things that annoy us.

Let’s look on the brighter side today. I say it is time to thank God for the gifts he gives us especially, but not exclusively, in the summer. When we think about summer activities such as swimming, playing golf or tennis, enjoying baseball or soccer, we should take time to thank the Lord for our muscles, our eyesight, our coordination, and our strength. Even when we have summer chores to do, such as weeding the garden or mowing the lawn, we have to admit that God is very generous with us. When was the last time we thanked God for the inventions of sunscreen, bug repellant, ice cream, and beach umbrellas?

While vacationing in Maine one summer, I happened got up very early one morning and looked out the window of the motel which overlooked Moosehead Lake. The sun looked like a giant raspberry rising out of the lake. It was a breathtaking sight. God is such an artist!

Summer skies, configured with puffy clouds, delight any of us that take the time to notice! Sure, lately there have been numerous frightening storm clouds, but storms pass, and God gives us new days and new vistas.

My late father-in-law always planted a good-sized summer vegetable garden. I can still remember the wonderful taste of the corn-on-the-cob we had for supper one evening. It was called “candy corn,” and it was as sweet as candy to the palate! It must have been, because that supper was decades ago, and I still recall that flavor! It is so good to reminisce and then to finish the reminiscence with a thank you to Godin this case, for my father-in-law, the “candy corn,” and my ability to remember! If we are vocal with our thanks, others might catch on and start ending their stories with words of gratitude. We lead by example.

Lately I have been hearing repeatedly on television a commercial that uses the background song, “You are my Sunshine.” I have been inspired to write a short summertime psalm, and I am not selling anything.

                 A Summertime Psalm

Let us give thanks to the Lord of Sunshine,

As seedlings sprout and stalks blossom,

May we grow to be true and strong in His image.

As the Lord warms the earth with His sun,

May we love each other with warm hearts and gentle words.

In the beauty of the sunrise and the glory of the sunset,

May we recall the splendor of our God,

And rejoice in His constant, unending love which has no season.




Photo by Virgil Cayasa (detail) on Unsplash

Sharon Krause is a RENEW volunteer whose writing has appeared in several resources for small-group faith sharing. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother residing in Manchester, Connecticut. Over the years, she has served in many parish ministries.