Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

Small-Community Ideas that Work: Motivation

Written by RENEW | Feb 4, 2014 9:44:55 PM

Does the team that organizes small Christian communities in your parish need to be re-energized? That’s human nature: we all need to get fired up from time to time, even about the things we’re most committed to.
Here are some tips from RENEW International on how to give that team a boost:
Remember the big picture: We nurture small communities, not as an end in themselves, but because they lead to spiritual growth, deeper faith, greater sense of mission, and welcoming, evangelizing parishes.
Restructure the parish team: Cycle off those who are tired and bring in new life. Look to the small communities for new members. Who are some small-community leaders who are full of ideas and excited about keeping the communities going? Those are the folks you want on the parish team.
Swap tasks and leadership roles: If you’ve lost interest in being in charge of resources, for example, let someone else do that for a while and take over outreach to young adults.
Focus on positive advances: Spend a few moments imagining your parish today if there were no small Christian communities. Think of all the lives that have been affected because you and others on your parish team said “Yes.”
Compile “good news stories” from your parish: Communicate these to your priest, the parish council, and the whole congregation.
Take a survey: Ask everyone in parish leadership (and some who are not) what are the most pressing needs of your parish. Then brainstorm with your parish team how small communities can address those needs.
Renew your parish team spiritually: Ask yourself, and honestly answer, if your parish team is a praying community. Do you get together regularly for faith sharing? This is the most important way to keep the core community energized.
Take advantage of resources: Call 1-888-433-3221 to discuss the variety of resources available from RENEW International, or check our website at Many planning teams are effectively using RENEW International’s PRAYERTIME resource which is based on the Lectionary and will carry you through the whole year.