Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

New Beginnings

Written by Sharon Krause | Mar 27, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Over the past few days we have been reminded by the scripture readings at Mass about new beginnings: the beginning of motherhood for the faithful Blessed Virgin Mary, the second beginning of Lazarus’ life after Jesus called him forth from the tomb, and the chance at a new and better life for the rescued adulterous woman at whom no one would cast a stone.

We all have new beginnings every day during this season of Lent. Each new start comes with challenges. It is up to us to surrender to the will of God, all the while knowing that God loves each of us as only God can love.

Let’s stop and think. We know we can trust that nothing is impossible for God. It is true that our Savior Jesus can untie any bonds that hold us captive. Each one of us is a sinner, but Jesus is ready to forgive even our most persistent sinfulness when we are ready to repent and to keep trying to sin no more. These recent readings give us such joyful hope!

Lent is full of possibilities for new holiness. Here is a prayer/poem about hopeful striving and surrender to the Lord.

                               Song of Prayer

I can almost taste the sweetness, I can almost see the glow,

I can almost hear the whisper of God who loves me so.

This time, the words are very simple. This time, prayer is, oh, so still.

This time, I grasp in the quiet the message of his will.

What has made now such a difference? What has opened up my heart?

What has brought my God so close now, when I scarce know where to start?

Could it be my meek surrender? Could it be my letting go?

Could it be my leap of trusting in God who loves me so?

I can almost smell the fragrance; I can almost feel the touch.

I can almost sense a oneness with the God I love so much!


May we be open to the Holy Spirit’s inspirations. May we have a new focus on prayerfulness and gratitude to God because we know that in less than two weeks, we all will be rejoicing!



Painting: Christ with the Woman Taken in Adultery by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (Guercino), circa 1621. Dulwich Picture Gallery, South London, England. Public domain.

Sharon Krause is a RENEW volunteer whose writing has appeared in several resources for small-group faith sharing. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother residing in south Florida. Over the years, she has served in many parish ministries.