Open us, O Holy Spirit of God. Be yeast in us.
Let our hearts expand to take in more and more of
God’s lavish self-disclosures.
Clear away the blocks that hinder us
from seeing you in the events of our past.
Stir up hope in us, O Holy Spirit,
our refuge and our stronghold.
You bear us up in mercy and go before us always
to deliver us from evil’s way.
Lead us, gently but persistently,
O loving Spirit of God,
toward those people, places, and events
where you desire most to meet us.
Then, in those choices that invite or confront us,
direct us to choose only those things
that are for the Father’s glory,
and reign in our hearts and in our world.
We pray this in the name of Jesus,
our teacher, brother, and Lord. Amen
Excerpted from Lenten Longings – Year C: Seeing With God’s Eyes, available from RENEW International.