Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International


Written by Sharon Krause | Jul 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

I was thinking at Mass about the words of consecration: This is my Body. This is my Blood. We know that Jesus’ hands or wrists were pierced by big, sharp nails. We know that his feet also were pierced. And we read that his side was pierced, probably by a spear. All that happened after he was flogged. I think about the times I have complained about a headache or some other minor malady.

 What was it like to look into a suffering Jesus’ eyes?Were his eyes even open? Were they bloodshot? Was he wincing in pain? Those were the same eyes that looked at the blind man as Jesus healed him. Those were the same eyes that looked at each of the men Jesus invited to become his apostles. And those were the eyes that cried when Jesus heard of the death of Lazarus, his friend. Have I ever cried in sorrow when I have remembered a hurtful word I have said to a loved one?

Do we ever imagine the straining pain in His outstretched arms? Was the weight of His body bearing down on his pierced feet? He had just finished walking up the hill to Calvary for crucifixion. Sometimes a bit of arthritis makes my legs hurt as I walk.

Imagine Jesus’ hearthis beautiful, compassionate heart! Was it skipping beats or barely beating? Maybe it was beating fast, trying to compensate for all the challenges. I remember my heart beating fast as I became fearful or anxious about an upcoming medical procedure or test.

Now it might be good to imagine the joy on the face of Jairus when he heard that his daughter was alive! How about the relief of the woman who was cured by Jesus after having hemorrhaged for many years? Imagine being near these people right after these miracles!

God has given us many possibilities when it comes to praying. We each have an imagination, many memories, some sort of creativity, and the abilities to read and write. We don’t have to be geniuses to pray and meditate.

With all the politics, arguing, challenging, and competing going on around us, it is wise to take time to be alone with Jesus in prayer and imagine some holy insulation! Imagine he is putting his gentle hands on your shoulders. Imagine his eyes meeting yours in complete understanding and compassion.

Next time we receive Holy Communion, let’s try to feel the unity and peace from his precious Body and Blood, soul and divinity, in a way we have never imagined before!



Image: The Face of Jesus. Source: Vatican News.

Sharon Krause is a RENEW volunteer whose writing has appeared in several resources for small-group faith sharing. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother residing in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Over the years, she has served in many parish ministries.