Not to see the world as God sees it, not to love our fellow human beings as God loves, is to miss the face of this God for whom we long. We are created to walk in mystery in a world that is neither heaven nor earth but a world so desperately in need - that our hunger and that need are embraced in the mystery itself. We have the blessed assurance that God is not just the object of our journey but our companion along the way, our guide through lands of the soul where we have never been. We are not alone – this God for whom we long walks with us. Our goal is simply to become a dwelling place whose emptiness, whose hunger and thirst, leaves room for the abiding presence of God.
Always it seems that we shall be able to touch the face of God just one step beyond where we are - but each step whether it is our first or our fiftieth demands that we take yet another; there is always more in the invitation to go deeper. In the end, the successful journey no matter how long or how arduous belongs to the passionate heart, to the heart that burns within, to the heart that yearns for the beyond, the yet to be, to those who have the heart to endure and finish what they, with God, have started. God is always adventing, always coming, always entering to refresh and enhance. Our human hunger for God is mirrored by God’s hunger for union with us; a hunger that extends not just to a few spiritually enriched souls but to all of us, not just to the best of us but also to the least of us. God is always giving hope, sustaining hope, building on hope and no one has greater claim on the gifts than each and every one of us. This creative life of God, the source of hope, the fulfillment of our longing and our yearning, is not there just for the asking. It is freely given and is ours just for accepting. God who fashioned the dream is the gaurantor of our hope.
Guest post written by Sr. Anne Daniel Young OP, a Dominican Sister of Blauvelt and a member of the Blauvelt Leadership Team.