Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

Thinking About Words

Written by Sharon Krause | Sep 2, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Let’s consider words used in connection with computer technology, and maybe broaden the scope of some of their meanings. There are so many words we see at the top or bottom of our screens every day; let’s see if we might add some spiritual adaptations.

Facebook is used by a lot of people, but what if we had a Faithbook on which friends in faith would share experiences of a religious nature to touch other spiritually?

Favorites identifies sites we refer to often. What if the favorites include descriptions or reviews of books and other resources that religiously inspire and encourage spiritual growth? Spread the good news about the good stuff!

How about delete? Maybe we could think about some small sins or omissions that we could delete from our lives. We are used to words like repent and contrition. We can adjust our vocabulary!

Messenger is a word that directs us to information or messages from others. How about praying with Bible passages telling us about angels who were messengers? Do we even talk to our own personal guardian angel?

 What if gmail were God mail, and we composed private letters to God, telling him how much we love and thank him every day?

We might see the option FaceTime. How about checking up on our prayer time, making sure that we allow time in our busyness for spending focused time on quiet conversations with Our Lord or our Blessed Mother? Maybe we could ask the saint for whom we were named to pray for us.

Home is sort of like being back to square one, the starting point. Maybe we should take time to think about and give thanks for our starting point of Christian faith, baptism and the other sacraments that help us keep strong in our faith, and the people with whom we faith-share, our faith friends?

Productivity is a word that pops up on computer screens. What wonderful, generous acts of kindness does our faith inspire us to produce? Are we productive, even in small ways, every day? What is on our faith-in-action menu?

Share & Export might be something you decide to do with this blog! If you think it would give someone else food for thought or action, please do!



Photo by Crew on Unsplash.

Sharon Krause is a RENEW volunteer whose writing has appeared in several resources for small-group faith sharing. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother residing in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Over the years, she has served in many parish ministries.