Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

At Prayer With Mary

Written by Rich Vosler | Jan 4, 2020 11:00:31 AM

Most Christians believe that Mary is Jesus’ mother. Even many non-Christians believe that. Many Christians also struggle with Mary being the “Mother of God.” But If Jesus and God are one (John 10:30), then Mary is truly the Mother of God.
But how does that make her our mother? In the Gospel According to John (19:26-27), we read that, while Jesus was on the cross, he said to Mary regarding the apostle John, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then Jesus said to John, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour, John took Mary into his home. Most theologians and scholars believe that John was symbolic of everyone in the world whom Jesus came to save. So, since John was Mary’s son, all those whom Jesus came to save were her children as well.
St. Louis de Montfort teaches that since Mary is the mother of Christ, the Head of the Mystical Body, then she’s also the mother of all that Body’s members. That also makes her the mother of the Church, and we are the Church.
Abbot St. William, one of the early church fathers, writes that “Mary, in bringing forth Jesus, our Savior and our Life, brought forth many to salvation. By giving birth to life itself, she gave life to many.” By giving us life through salvation, Mary is our mother.
Personally, I have tried to entrust Mary with much of my life. When my first wife died, I entrusted my children to Mary as their spiritual mother. I also entrusted myself and every part of my life to her. She has not disappointed me. They were hard times, and she was, and still is, there for us.
By the virtue of her fiat, her “yes” to the Annunciation that she would bear the Savior, she said yes to all of creation, including us. She will never turn away from us if we ask for her intercession. Jesus wants us to do the same. Nor will Jesus ever ignore a request that comes through his mother. May we always remember that when we go to Mary, she takes our requests directly to Jesus. And, in turn, she says to us, "Do whatever he tells you."
Here at RENEW, we have an excellent small-group resource called At Prayer with Mary. It has seven sessions that explore the aspects of Mary's life that are central to our faith. To check it out, click HERE and select “Marian Resources” from the menu on the left.
Rich Vosler is a sales consultant at RENEW International. Contact him at 908 769 5400 x149 or