Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

A Prayer on Good Friday

Written by RENEW | Apr 3, 2015 11:00:42 AM

Your love, O God, embraces all creation, from the tree of the cross.
You have broken open the barriers of sin and selfishness
that separate us from one another and from you.
Remain with us and work through us
that others may come to see that love in us
that they saw and loved in Jesus–
a life freely given for the life of the world.
Until that great day, when your love will reign and all will be one,
may we walk in peace, work for justice, live in gratitude,
and celebrate unceasingly the wonders of your love.
Draw us all to you, O God, through the dying and rising of Christ,
in the power of the Spirit. Amen.

Excerpted from Lenten Longings - Year B: For the Life of the World, available from RENEW International