Branching Out: The Official Blog by Renew International

9/11 Words to Live By: Be Selfless, Help the Person Around You, and Get Through it

Written by Sr. Terry Rickard, O.P., D.Min. | Sep 6, 2011 11:43:02 AM

During the week leading up to the tenth anniversary, RENEW International reflects on 9/11 with stories, prayer, and scripture.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks we heard many stories of airline passengers and workers at the Twin Towers, knowing they would die, making last minute phone calls to loved ones. Some reached a person, others left a message, but their words were the same, “I love you.” I remember hearing one particular story of a man who called his wife on his cell phone; there was no answer. He called his mom – no answer. His time was running out and in desperation he called the operator. He asked her to pray with him, and together they prayed the one prayer they both knew: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, your kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”

We all remember where we were on the morning of September 11, 2001. As the events unfolded, what seemed unreal became a stark and horrifying reality. However, in the midst of death and tragedy tales of heroism, courage, and generosity emerged.

In a powerful article, Learning from 9/11 in America magazine, David O’Brien writes: “I could not stop looking at those powerful iconic photographs—images of sacrifice, death and heroic generosity. In one image a young fireman, Michael Kehoe, a 9/11 survivor, is ascending the stairs as office workers quickly descend. Later one of those office workers, John Labriola, an employee of the Post Authority of New York and New Jersey, reportedly said: “The one conclusion I came to on 9/11 is that people in the stairwell…really were in a ‘state of grace.’ They helped each other. They didn’t panic. Most people are basically good. I know this, with certainty, because I had gone through the crucible. What a great example people left: be selfless, help the person around you, and get through it.” (Aug. 29-Sept. 5, 2011)

Through the lens of faith we see that tragedy and deep suffering also can be experiences of unexpected grace and new life. This is the heart of our Christian faith; it is what we celebrate every Sunday at Mass—the Paschal Mystery of Jesus. The Paschal Mystery is Christ passing through suffering and death to resurrection and returning to the Father.

Our times of unrelenting illness, deep grief, and unimaginable tragedy can become events of new life and grace in our own lives. Only God can transform a method of torture—the cross or the work of evil, a burning stairwell—into a place where people can experience a state of grace.

On this tenth anniversary of 9/11 let us be inspired by the many women and men who moved beyond fear and terror and reached out to help one another. We need faith, we need community, and we need to help one another get through painful experiences. Let us remember the challenging words of one survivor: Be selfless, help the person around you, and get through it.

Sister Terry is the Executive Director of RENEW International and a Dominican Sister from Blauvelt, NY.